National Standards

Check out the Natural Inquirer’s Wilderness 2.0: Understanding How People Experience and Value Wilderness, a monograph produced by the USDA Forest Service and Cradle of Forest in America Interpretive Association.

Here are National Education Standards addressed in Great Outdoors LIVE: Yours to Explore and in the monograph.

National Science Education Standards

Where and How the Standard Is Addressed

Abilities Necessary To Do Scientific Inquiry Who Are Scientists? Describes the characteristics of scientists; Thinking About Science: Explains what it means to be a social scientist; Methods: Collecting and analyzing data.
Understandings About Scientific Inquiry The whole monograph: Exposes students to social science and methods of gathering and analyzing data.

Regulation and Behavior

Findings: Shows the behavior and response of the boy to his environment and people.
Populations and Ecosystems Entire article: One way humans adapt to a loss.
Personal Health The whole monograph: Looks at personal health, both physically and mentally. Addresses physical health by discussing backpacking and the challenges and benefits. Addresses mental health through Amigo’s personal narrative reflections in the Findings.
Science and Technology in Society Introduction: Explains how to use trip reports (blogs) to evaluate how people value wilderness; Discussion: Addresses the value of trip reports and the information they provide. 
Science as a Human Endeavor Who Are Scientists? Describes characteristics of scientists; Meet the Scientists: Puts a human face on science; What Kind of Scientist Did This Research? Defines social scientist; Thinking About Science: Describes some goals of science.
Nature of Science Thinking About Science: Describes some goals of science.
History of Science Welcome to the Wilderness 50 Monographs! and the Wilderness Time Line: Shows how the whole concept of wilderness developed over time.

National Curriculum Standards for Social Studies

Where and How the Standard Is Addressed

Culture Welcome to the Wilderness 50 Monographs! and the Wilderness Time Line: Show how the whole concept of wilderness developed over time and how wilderness is part of our culture. 
Time, Continuity, and Change Welcome to the Wilderness 50 Monographs! and the Wilderness Time Line: Show how the whole concept of wilderness developed over time.
People, Places, and Environments Introduction, Methods, Findings, and Discussion: Show how people value wilderness and the experiences they have in these areas; Findings and Discussion: Show how Amigo’s identity is shaped by his experience in wilderness.
Power, Authority, and Governance Welcome to the Wilderness 50 Monographs! and the Wilderness Time Line: Show how the whole concept of wilderness developed over time and how wilderness is part of our culture; Thinking About the Environment: Shows how the government develops and protects wilderness areas.
Production, Distribution, and Consumption The whole monograph: Tries to determine how people value wilderness
Science, Technology, and Society Introduction: Shows the use of trip reports (blogs) to evaluate how people value wilderness; Discussion: Shows the value of trip reports and the information they provide.

Common Core Standard


Scientific and Engineering Practices

Asking Questions (for science) and Defining Problems (for engineering) Who Are Scientists? Describes how asking questions is a characteristic of scientists; Thinking About Science: Explains how the goal of science is to discover new information; Introduction: Presents the research questions in this study.
Planning and Carrying Out Investigations The entire monograph: Focuses on planning and carrying out an investigation.
Analyzing and Interpreting Data Methods and Findings: Describe what the scientists did; Methods and Findings Reflection Sections: Describe analyzing findings and information
Using Mathematics and Computational Thinking Thinking About the Environment: Discusses relative size and numbers; Number Crunch: Shows how to calculating size in comparison with something else. 
Constructing Explanations (for science) and Designing Solutions (for engineering) Introduction, Methods, and Findings Reflection Sections: Explain the findings; FACTivity: Explains how writing and reflecting about an experience influence how you think about the experience.
Obtaining, Evaluating, and Communicating Information Methods: Describes how to obtaining and analyze information; FACTivity: Shows evaluating and communicating information.

Crosscutting Concepts

Patterns Methods: Shows how the scientists used a case study to discuss the 322 trip reports because there were common themes (patterns) throughout the trip reports and how the case study they chose exemplified those common themes.
Scale, Proportion, and Quantity Thinking About the Environment: Discusses relative size and numbers
Stability and Change Welcome to the Wilderness 50 Monographs! and Thinking About the Environment: Address the character of wilderness and the prohibition of human modification.

Core Idea LS2: Ecosystems: Interactions, Energy, and Dynamics

LS2.C: Ecosystem Dynamics, Functioning, and Resilience Welcome to the Wilderness 50 Monographs! and Thinking About the Environment: Address the character of wilderness and the prohibition of human modification.

Core Idea ESS3: Earth and Human Activity

ESS3.A: Natural Resources The entire monograph: Shows concern with natural resources.
ESS3.C: Human Impacts on Earth Systems Welcome to the Wilderness 50 Monographs! and Thinking About the Environment: Address the character of wilderness and the prohibition of human modification.



USDA Forest Service National Park Service – Yellowstone National Park Wyoming PBS (KCWC-TV) National Park Trust Buffalo Bill Center of the West Draper Natural History Museum Prince William Network National Environmental Education Foundation National Forest Foundation Yellowstone Forever Grizzly & Wolf Discovery Center Natural Inquirer Nature Watch FSNatureLIVE: Distance Learning Adventures Greater Yellowstone Coordinating Committee KCTR Cat Country 102.9 FM KKBR Kiss 97.1 FM